
Venworld Bio Buster 500 g

Original price was: ₹523.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

Used even in presence of bird to reduce cross infection and secondary infection during outbreak of diseases.


Use Rate:
  • Aerial spray in presence of birds: 5 g / L of water (for 125 sq. ft. area).
  • Terminal disinfection: 5 g / L of water (for 25 sq. ft. area).
  • Routine water sanitation: 1 g / 10 L of water.
  • Water sanitation during disease outbreak: 1 g / L of water.
  • Hatchery sanitation: 5 g /L of water.
  • Foot dip / vehicle dip: 5-10 g /L of water.
  • Potassium Monopersulphate Compound: 49.8% w/w (Containing Triple Salt; Potassium Monopersulphate, Potassium Hydrogensulphate, Potassium Sulphate) • Sodium Chloride: 1.5% w/w
  • Inert Ingredients:   Q.S.

The viral diseases threaten the Poultry industry by causing heavy mortality and economic loss. Viruses can persist in the farm environment and can open the way for other secondary bacterial infections to cause ongoing chronic and severe performance losses.

  • Effective against all virus families affecting Poultry, livestock, fisheries, equine, human & healthcare facilities.
  • Effective against bacteria & fungi.
  • Highly Versatile – Surface, Equipment, Water and Aerial disinfection.
  • Nontoxic & nonirritant at user dilutions.
  • Used even in presence of bird to reduce cross infection and secondary infection during outbreak of diseases.
  • Highly effective in presence of organic matter.
  • Biodegradable & eco-friendly.


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