
Syngonium Dwarf Imperial White

Original price was: ₹250.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.

The Syngonium Imperial White is the commonly cultivated species of the Syngonium genus and is native to Latin America. Sometimes called, Arrowhead plant, Arrowhead vine, Arrowhead philodendron, Goosefoot, African evergreen, or American evergreen. This variety, White Butterfly has variegated green arrowhead-shaped leaves.

Moreover, Unlimited white provides plants that are just like tiny little angels. They will surely be suitable for hanging baskets, dish gardens, and tabletop miniature garden use as well.

The medium-sized Syngoniums are preferred mainly for tabletops and shelves, making the space look stunning! Also, Syngonium is one of the easiest to maintain plants known.



Syngonium plant fares well in any indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight burns the plant so be mindful of the place where it is kept.

Fertilize Syngonium pink neon every 2 weeks diluted to half strength. Make sure the soil is moist, but not soggy, at all times.

When you notice stunted growth or discomfort in the plant, it is time to report into a bigger pot. Ideally, the Arrowhead plant is repotted every 2 years. It grows aggressively so the roots outgrow the pot and then it is time to report and make them comfortable.

It can be easily propagated via stem cuttings. The cuttings root in water just as well, as they do in a potting mix as preferred by the plant parent. For a failsafe propagation, choose a new growth shoot that has sprouted a couple of leaves.

Some of the problems faced by these plants are

Too much and direct sunlight will cause the Arrowhead plant to practically burn. This causes the leaves to turn pale and limp. Move him to a place with indirect sunlight since he loves bright indirect sunlight.

When the Goosefoot or Arrowhead plant is thirsty, he will drop new leaves because there isn’t enough water ration for him. Cut off the browning leaf and water the Syngonium and he will perk up quickly.

Under-watering paired with too much direct sunlight can cause sunburn which makes the leaves brown and dry. Move your plant to a shadier spot and water it frequently.

Plants growing in containers need more fertilizing than those in the ground. The more you water, the more quickly you flush the nutrients out of the soil.

Difficulty: Easy

Light: Bright indirect sunlight

Watering: Water twice a week

Place: Bright indoors, Shaded outdoors

Character: Air-purifying


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