
Methylene Blue is used to treat the following disorders:

Nitrite Poisoning: Fish gasp for breath, tan or brown gills, rapid gill movement known as “gilling.”

Ammonia Poisoning: 1 Fish gasp for breath, red or purple gills, lethargic – may lay on the bottom, red streaks on body or fins.

Ichthyophthirius Multifilis: Small white spots resembling sand, fish scratches against objects.

Oodinium Pilularis: Also known as Velvet, this is actually caused by a parasite.

Swim Bladder Disorder: Fish struggles to maintain proper position, floats upside down, swims with tail higher than the head.

Egg Fungus: Serves as a safe and mild disinfectant for fish eggs.

Fish Stress: Prophylactic treatment of fish under stress, usually due to being moved.


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