Neo kumfurt PH Imu-Lat 100ml


Platelet Booster: Carica papaya is a rich source of complex Biochemical constituents including flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, glutathione & glucosinolates that helps boost the number Of platelets by stimulating bone marrow

Immunomodulator: Carica papaya & Tinospora cordifolia extracts Show immune-modulatory activity. Various Studies have shown T.cordifolia exhibit Increase in the WBC counts & bone marrow Cells significantly indicating stimulatory effect On entire haemopoetic system.

SKU: JAIM00309 Category:



– Carica papaya extract Standardized to Contains NLT 2% flavonoids: 350 g
Tinospora cordifolia extract standardized to contains NLT 3% bitters: 150 g


Anaemia & Thrombocytopenia due to:


-Viral / Protozoal

-Liver Cirrhosis


Up to 15 kg. B. Wt.: 3-5 ml per day

15-30 kg. B. Wt.: 5-10 ml per day

Above 30 kg. B. Wt.: 10-20 ml per day


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