
Choco black shrimp


Neocaridina Davidi has a new outfit: pitch black! Of fact, black sports to other dwarf shrimp species exist, but Neocaridina davidi has a significant advantage over other species in that it is exceptionally tolerant of a wide range of temperatures. Other dwarf shrimp species still carry the genes of their wild living ancestors, which favour chilly water. Of course, this has led to the development of more tolerant aquarium shrimp stocks, but none are as hardy as Neocaridina davidi.If the keeper desires, Neocaridina davidi can be kept year-round at temperatures as high as 26-28°C. It can, however, be kept without a heater if that is desired. The species is essentially a survivor, and the Black Choco differs only in colouring from its red, yellow, blue, or striped conspecifics.

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