

Original price was: ₹1169.00.Current price is: ₹999.00.

NARSIPUR’s CHLORAMINE-T has proven to show destructive effect on gumboro virus by retaining its activity for a considerably long period of time in presence of high organic load. ACTIVITY of CHLORAMINE-T is based on the release of oxygen and chlorine, thereby ensures the killing of both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. CHLORAMINE-T is ten times more effective than PHENOL and HYPOCHLORITE in presence of organic contaminants.




Sodium-N-Chloro-Para-Toluene Sulfonamide.


Spray of 0.5% solution of CHLORAMINE-T provides complete sanitation within 5 minutes.

Hatching eggs should be dipped in 0.5% solution of CHLORAMINE-T for 15 seconds to achieve complete sanitation.

CHLORAMINE-T is an ideal sanitizer in hatchery to achieve complete sterilization by a spray of 0.2% to 0.3% solution of CHLORAMINE-T.

It is recommended to use CHLORAMINE-T as a spray and in drinking water in the start of fourth, fifth and sixth week in layers as well as broilers to minimize the chances of viral out breaks.


Empty Poultry House

Housed Birds

Outside vehicles

Foot Bath


Avoid contact of powder with skin, eyes or the respiratory system.Store in tightly closed containers in a cool dry place away from children. Sweep up powder spillage. Flush residual powder away with plenty of water.


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