Ayurvet Bovituss 300 ml


Bovituss is a respiratory tonic, a poly-herbal formulation of potent and highly efficacious pre standardized and tested herbs.  Some of the herbs viz. Adhatoda vasica, have been known to have antispasmodic and expectorant properties which in turn helps to alleviate respiratory trouble in livestock. Other herbs viz. Glycyrrhiza glabra, Curcuma longa, Ocimum sanctum are known to possess anti- inflammatory, anti-tussive and anti-microbial properties which significantly contribute to the amelioration of various signs of respiratory distress. Combined effect of all the constituent of the formulation found to be very effective against the respiratory diseases in the livestock.

Categories: ,


  • Cough
  • Coryza/Cold
  • Bronchitis
  • As a supportive therapy in other respiratory infections

Cow, buffaloes and horses                30 ml
Sheep & Goat                                       10 ml
Lambs and kids                                   5 ml

Administer the recommended dose orally twice a day for 3 to 5 days


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