Ayurvet Exapar 500 ml


EXAPAR is an exclusive combination of standardized and highly efficacious medicinal herbs with a potent ecbolic activity. In addition, the drug induces an effective uterine cleansing action through activation of uterine secretions. It also helps in the improvement of uterine tonicity thereby, expediting the process of uterine involution. EXAPAR is an ideal herbal choice for both the treatment and prevention of retained placenta in cow, buffalo, mare, ewe and doe. The direct economic losses due to infertility, reduction in milk production, delayed uterine involution and postpartum anoestrus are minimized with the use of this formulation.

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EXAPAR helps in expulsion of retained placenta; being herbal it has following benefits:

  • Is non-Hormonal
  • It’s safe
  • Has zero withdrawal period
  • Do not interfere with milk secretion


  • For expulsion of retained placenta
  • Regulation of lochial discharge
  • Delayed involution of uterus
  • As an ideal uterine cleansing agent after manual removal of retained placenta
  • For timely expulsion of placenta after calving


Exapar Liquid:

  • Cows, Buffaloes and Mares 50 ml
  • Ewes and Does 20 ml

Soon after calving, or in case of retained placenta, administer double dose (100 ml for large animals) twice on first day followed by single dose twice daily for 3- 5 days.

Soon after parturition, or in case of retained placenta, administer double dose orally (4 bolus for large animals) twice on first day followed by single dose twice daily for 3-5 days or as directed by Veterinarian.


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