
Aquatic Remedies Microlife-s2 100ml

Original price was: ₹300.00.Current price is: ₹210.00.

Due to bacterial fermentation and added bacterial media additive. For better working efficiency of microlife S2. some time it may develop rotten egg/hydrogen sulphide smell. The smell or precipitation in the product will not change the product efficiency. Microlife S2 is 100% safe with all aquatic organisms.

-Liquid Bacterial Suspension

– For crystal clear water and quick aquarium maturation

– For ammonia& nitrite removal


Reduction from Ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. Biologically degrades uneaten food, fish waste and all other nitrogen compounds.


Dosing the tank: Once a week.

New tank – quick maturation: Treat for 5 days in succession


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